I am not a writer

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This is my first ever blog post. It’s been a big deal in my head.

For years, I’ve told myself a little story that I am not a writer.

I think this comes from spending many years working in marketing for brands where a specialist copywriter was always paid to write the words. The words that mattered. Like the ones that go out to the consumer on marketing materials, like press ads, websites, leaflets, social media, etc.

As a young, marketing manager it was frowned upon to write copy. That's what the advertising agency was paid to do. It was their job. 

I developed a little story in my head, that I could only write “crappy client copy”. I’ve carried this around with me since I started working. For about 14 years! 

It’s held me back in a number of things.

It stopped me from writing a blog when I travelled the world. It's also the reason why I am only just starting this blog today and not 3 months ago.

So, now I’m addressing my little story. I’m challenging it.

This belief does not help me at all.

If I were to ask myself is it true, I would have to say NO!

For god's sake, I have A-Level English. I have a degree. I write emails every day. I write in my diary. I have written a lot of words in my life. Therefore I can write.

My little story is not based on anything apart from a corporate culture from somewhere I once worked. 

The more I’ve told myself I can’t write, the more I haven’t. 

So now I am breaking the cycle. I'm changing the story. 

I am writing.

I have set a goal with my coach (yes, I have a coach too) to have a great blog on this website. I am going to write every day for the next few weeks and kick this blog off. 

I’m living my writing goal.

I will stop procrastinating and waiting for writing perfection. I am starting now.

I will make mistakes, a few typos, some crappy grammar, but every time I will learn something. Then I will grow. I’ll be able to look back on this pivot and see how far I’ve come. I'm not going to give my little story any more fuel. 

Thanks for reading and for your support. I'd love to know what little stories you are telling yourself that might be holding you back?

Liz Ward is Founder and Coach at Slick Pivot. Slick Pivot helps new and seasoned entrepreneurs get good at change. Supporting your pivot journey through one to one coaching, bespoke team workshops, and events to help you find more happiness and growth in your work, whether that is quitting your 9-5, starting and growing that business or developing the right mindset for success. 

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