35 things I wish I'd known sooner in my career


A letter to my younger self on how to navigate the working world and do what you love.

I hit 35 today. When I was younger I thought that 35 was ancient. Turns out it isn’t and I feel the same in my head as I did then. Just as silly. And just a little wiser.

To celebrate my birthday and 23 years in the working world (yes, I am a recovering workaholic and I have had a job since I was 12), I wanted to write some tips to the younger, rookie me based on what I know now.

If the younger me had known a few of these things along the way, it might have saved her quite a bit of stress, money and time.

Although I actually wouldn’t change a bit of my journey, it’s been awesome, I'll take these forward for the rest of my time on this planet. 

NB. At first, I didn't think I would be able to write 35 things. Once I started, I actually couldn't stop!

There are many learnings that I left out so I could keep it to a nice list of 35 (I'm a recovering perfectionist too).

Some of these may resonate with you. I'd love to hear what extra ones you would add. 

Here goes...

Dear young, hungry, career-driven, Liz,

#1. Stop giving a f&!k what other people think.

 #2. Drink more water. 

 #3. Be early. It's far cooler than being late. 

 #4. Smiling gets you a long way. 

 #5. Shouting makes people scared of you. 

 #6. If you nod your head when you are making a key point, the other person is more likely to agree with you. 

 #7. Take your annual holiday. All of it. 

 #8. Stop moaning and take action instead. It always leads to something better. 

 #9. Write a diary. It unwinds your mind. 

 #10. Be curious. 

 #11. Stop trying to multitask. Do one thing at a time. 

 #12. Don't leave stuff hanging. It gets worse. 

 #13. Get off your phone and talk to your taxi driver. Also see #10.

 #14. Buy a ticket before you get the train to Slough from Paddington. You cannot escape, you will always be fined £20. 

 #15. Don't live in Hackney and work in Slough. That commute is too far. 

 #16. The people you meet in your early jobs will become your future mentors. 

 #17. Working late and at the weekend is not sustainable. Switch that phone off.

 #18. Material possessions don't make you happy, however a cool notebook in meetings will. 

 #19. Find a hairdresser you trust. 

 #20. Learn to spend time with you. Just you. On your own. 

 #21. It’s not OK to text/email when someone is talking/presenting to you. Even if you work at a tmobile phone company. It is rude.

 #22. Meditate. 

 #23. Get the bus. It’s not that bad.

 #24. Be authentic. It’s magnetic.

 #25. Dance like nobody's watching. At ALL the parties. (OK, I know you did that!)

 #26. Negotiate like a boy.

 #27. Read. Widely.

 #28. Stay open to where you are going to end up. It’s unlikely to be where you expect. It will be better.

 #29. Feel the fear and then do it anyway.

 #30. If you are procrastinating it means you are missing some key information. Go find that info.

 #31. There is more fine cheese on the planet than you’ll ever have time to eat. Start now.

 #32. Treat everything you do as an experiment. Test quickly, learn, iterate.

 #33. If you don’t pay attention you will spend £1,000’s on parking fines and the London Congestion charge.

 #34. Love. Unconditionally.

 #35. To reach courage, you have to walk through vulnerability first. Get walking.

Good luck! All my best, 

Your future self x 

 What would you say to your younger self? Let us know in the comments.

Liz Ward is Founder and Coach at Slick Pivot. Slick Pivot helps new and seasoned entrepreneurs get good at change. Supporting your pivot journey through one to one coaching, bespoke team workshops, and events to help you find more happiness and growth in your work, whether that is quitting your 9-5, starting and growing that business or developing the right mindset for success. 


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liz ward