Ten tips on how to navigate your notice period


Parting ways is a big part of your pivot. You are leaving something behind whether that’s your choice or not. Here are some tips on how to manage those final months, weeks and days.

You might be resigning, been pushed, got made redundant, jumping ship or coming to the end of a contract. Or you might be actively letting go or winding down clients or team members so that you can free up time to do your next thing. Either way, you are part ways after giving your all. 

It’s bloody tough. There are people involved, feelings, friends, foes. And you can feel a bit meh 😕

It’s either a good break up or a bad break up but whichever it is, if it’s happening, I want to encourage you and say you have the power to ride this out.

So, even if you feel like sticking all your fingers up or you are whooping for joy and can't wait to get out the door, here are my tips on how to leave with grace, be strategic for your future and get through that notice period...

1. Smile, even if you hate them all.

2. Change your language, replace “I have no idea what I’m going to do next” with, “I’m so excited about my next opportunity, I’m going to do something really cool”. Say this to everyone, out loud. You are telling them, but also yourself.

3. Drop the bitching. Don’t engage with the he said, she said. You want a clean head. Bitching blurs everything and keeps you IN negativity. 

4. Connect with everyone on social from your personal accounts. This is important. You are going to do something cool next. You might not know what, but the people you know, even random old colleagues will be your first supporters. That girl in finance might love your future idea and tell her best friend. Leave with love. Fill your FB, LinkedIn and insta channels with colleagues suppliers, people that know you. The right ones will have your back maybe next month or in years to come.

5. Ask for LinkedIn recommendations. Even if you don’t think you need them at the moment. The ones you get will make you feel good. And your LinkedIn will sing. The best way to do this, is to send little messages to be people using the LinkedIn recommendations functionality. Go to your profile, click "ask for a recommendation" then send people personal messages. Ideally you would do this during your notice period once its public knowledge you are leaving. Ask a range of people, your boss, their boss, senior management you like and colleagues in different departments. When you see them by the coffee machine say, "I popped you a request on LinkedIn for a recommendation, don't feel obliged but if you'd like to say a few words about our work together I'd really appreciate it."

6. Collect up all your case studies, pictures of projects you've done and keep a little digital/real life portfolio. In a few years you may not remember. It can be nice for boosting your confidence, preparing for interviews or your next thing. And its quite nostalgic years down the line to be like, "I did that". Like your old school reports that are in your Mum's loft. 

7. Finish up your work with minimal effort, gracefully. Don't stop delivering but equally don’t kill your self being a perfectionist. 

8. Send see you later emails 🙋‍♀️. People like this. Personalised if you have time your hands, send direct ones to all your favourite people saying why you’ve enjoyed working with them. Then do a group one and include the favourite people too - that will make your personal notes feel even more special.

9. Capture your day dreams, your "what if" ideas. There are clues here for your next move.

10. Keep it light and positive. I know it can be hard but the more joy you spread during this time, the more joy will gravitate back to you 💫

And please believe me about making social media friends with everyone. If you have any dreams of creating your own thing, you want your network to be as big as possible. My base network of friends, family and old colleagues has been my best friend in building my business.

Have you already left or in the process right now? What tips you got?


Liz Ward is Founder and Coach at Slick Pivot. Slick Pivot helps new and seasoned entrepreneurs get good at change. Supporting your pivot journey through one to one coaching, bespoke team workshops, and events to help you find more happiness and growth in your work, whether that is quitting your 9-5, starting and growing that business or developing the right mindset for success. 


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