Slow the hell down - great things grow slowly


When we set a goal to make a change, we tend to want to hit that goal as fast as possible. 

I know I do. Especially if you are a high achiever, you are used to getting stuff done, and getting stuff done right. You want things NOW! I want to tell you if you share this mentality, it is OK to slow fact, often, it's better. You see, great things grow slowly...

As a recovering perfectionist and someone who has suffered from total burn out, my natural behaviour is to go really, really fast, multi-tasking and lighting lots of fires in order to achieve what I've set out to do. 

I can tell you from experience that this is not the best approach. 

Setting the unsustainable pace and having really high expectations of ourselves, leads to disappointment and frustration. This is what burns us out.

If you attempt to pivot too quickly or make too many changes at once, you also miss moments along the journey. Moments to feel, see and listen to. It's experiencing these moments that provide you with the feedback to know the next baby step to take. 

Think about some of those fabulous things that grow slowly...Flowers, babies, tomatoes. 

To thrive they need to be nurtured and cared for on a daily basis. Planting a shrub and then dumping a whole bucket of water on the little thing isn't going to do it much good.

Think of your pivot like a little shrub. 

Add just the right amount of water onto its roots every day.

Trim the dead leaves. Boost it with a bit of plant food. And don't leave it to fend for itself when it's really hot. That little shrub needs TLC. One little bit at a time. Just like you. 

Give yourself permission to take your pivot at a slower pace than you think you need to. 

Don't throw the whole watering can on your head at once. Keep moving, just one baby step at a time. 

Liz Ward is Founder and Coach at Slick Pivot. Slick Pivot helps new and seasoned entrepreneurs get good at change. Supporting your pivot journey through one to one coaching, bespoke team workshops, and events to help you find more happiness and growth in your work, whether that is quitting your 9-5, starting and growing that business or developing the right mindset for success. 


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liz ward